Wednesday, July 9, 2008

in progress

this weekend i shot a few rolls of film. with each frame i imagined there being some sort of out of place creature in them. i am interested to see how they turn out, bc basically i was taking a picture of something that wasnt there.

later, i would like to add the creatures by painting them in. (we will see how my painting skills are!) i was thinking to print the photos on water color paper or some other high quality artist paper. i havent ever tried this (printing a photo on paper and then painting it) or personally know any one else so has, so there will probably be a lot of trial and error. this is a far cry from the types of images i normally shoot (portraits) and i am seriously thinking of going this way for my senior thesis.

also, i didnt realize my holga was on the "B" setting (thats like a bulb setting, as long as you hold the shutter, its open). so i hope there are any pictures at all. anyways, i think i like taking pictures of something that is in my mind, and not in reality.

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